fier module
find_fits(reof_ds, q_df, stack, train_size=0.7, random_state=0)
Function to fit multiple polynomial curves on different temporal modes and test results
Source code in fierpy/
def find_fits(reof_ds: xr.Dataset, q_df: xr.DataArray, stack: xr.DataArray, train_size: float = 0.7, random_state: int = 0, ):
"""Function to fit multiple polynomial curves on different temporal modes and test results
X = q_df
y = reof_ds.temporal_modes
# ---- Randomly split data into 2 groups -----
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=train_size, random_state=random_state)
spatial_test = stack.where(stack.time.isin(y_test.time),drop=True)
shape3d = spatial_test.shape
spatial_shape = shape3d[1:]
shape2d = (shape3d[0],
spatial_test_flat = xr.DataArray(
coords = [spatial_test.time,np.arange(shape2d[1])],
non_masked_idx= np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(spatial_test_flat[0,:])))[0]
modes = reof_ds.mode.values
fit_dict = dict()
dict_keys = ['fit_r2','pred_r','pred_rmse']
for mode in modes:
y_train_mode = y_train.sel(mode=mode)
y_test_mode = y_test.sel(mode=mode)
for order in range(1,4):
# apply polynomial fitting
c = np.polyfit(X_train,y_train_mode,deg=order)
f = np.poly1d(c)
y_pred = f(X_test)
synth_test = synthesize(reof_ds,X_test,f,mode=mode)
synth_test_flat = xr.DataArray(
coords = [synth_test.time,np.arange(shape2d[1])],
# calculate statistics
# calculate the stats of fitting on a test subsample
temporal_r2 = metrics.r2_score(y_test_mode, y_pred)
temporal_r = -999 if temporal_r2 < 0 else np.sqrt(temporal_r2)
# check the synthesis stats comapared to observed data
space_r2 = metrics.r2_score(
space_r= -999 if space_r2 < 0 else np.sqrt(space_r2)
space_rmse = metrics.mean_squared_error(
# pack the resulting statistics in dictionary for the loop
#stats = [temporal_r2,space_r,space_rmse]
stats = [temporal_r2, temporal_r, space_rmse]
loop_dict = {f"mode{mode}_order{order}_{k}":stats[i] for i,k in enumerate(dict_keys)}
loop_dict[f"mode{mode}_order{order}_coeffs"] = c
# merge the loop dictionary with the larger one
fit_dict = {**fit_dict,**loop_dict}
return fit_dict
fits_to_files(fit_dict, out_dir)
Procedure to save coeffient arrays stored in dictionary output from find_fits()
to npy files
Name | Type | Description | Default |
fit_dict |
dict |
output from function |
required |
out_dir |
str |
directory to save coeffients to |
required |
Source code in fierpy/
def fits_to_files(fit_dict: dict,out_dir: str):
"""Procedure to save coeffient arrays stored in dictionary output from `find_fits()` to npy files
fit_dict (dict): output from function `find_fits()`
out_dir (str): directory to save coeffients to
out_dir = Path(out_dir)
if not out_dir.exists():
for k,v in fit_dict.items():
if k.endswith("coeffs"):
components = k.split("_")
name_stem = f"poly_{k.replace('_coeffs','')}"
coeff_file = out_dir / f"{name_stem}.npy", v)
get_streamflow(lat, lon)
Function to get histroical streamflow data from the GeoGLOWS server based on geographic coordinates
Name | Type | Description | Default |
lat |
float |
latitude value where to get streamflow data |
required |
lon |
float |
longitude value where to get streamflow data |
required |
Type | Description |
DataArray |
xr.DataArray: DataArray object of streamflow with datetime coordinates |
Source code in fierpy/
def get_streamflow(lat: float, lon: float) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Function to get histroical streamflow data from the GeoGLOWS server
based on geographic coordinates
lat (float): latitude value where to get streamflow data
lon (float): longitude value where to get streamflow data
xr.DataArray: DataArray object of streamflow with datetime coordinates
# ??? pass lat lon or do it by basin ???
reach = streamflow.latlon_to_reach(lat,lon)
# send request for the streamflow data
q = streamflow.historic_simulation(reach['reach_id'])
# rename column name to something not as verbose as 'streamflow_m^3/s'
q.columns = ["discharge"]
# rename index and drop the timezone value = "time"
q.index = q.index.tz_localize(None)
# return the series as a xr.DataArray
return q.discharge.to_xarray()
match_dates(original, matching)
Helper function to filter a DataArray from that match the data values of another. Expects that each xarray object has a dimesion named 'time'
Name | Type | Description | Default |
original |
DataArray |
original DataArray with time dimension to select from |
required |
matching |
DataArray |
DataArray with time dimension to compare against |
required |
Type | Description |
DataArray |
xr.DataArray: DataArray with values that have been temporally matched |
Source code in fierpy/
def match_dates(original: xr.DataArray, matching: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Helper function to filter a DataArray from that match the data values of another.
Expects that each xarray object has a dimesion named 'time'
original (xr.DataArray): original DataArray with time dimension to select from
matching (xr.DataArray): DataArray with time dimension to compare against
xr.DataArray: DataArray with values that have been temporally matched
# return the DataArray with only rows that match dates
return original.where(original.time.isin(matching.time),drop=True)
reof(stack, variance_threshold=0.727, n_modes=4)
Function to perform rotated empirical othogonal function (eof) on a spatial timeseries
Name | Type | Description | Default |
stack |
DataArray |
DataArray of spatial temporal values with coord order of (t,y,x) |
required |
variance_threshold(float, |
optional |
optional fall back value to select number of eof modes to use. Only used if n_modes is less than 1. default = 0.727 |
required |
n_modes |
int |
number of eof modes to use. default = 4 |
4 |
Type | Description |
xarray.core.dataset.Dataset |
xr.Dataset: rotated eof dataset with spatial modes, temporal modes, and mean values as variables |
Source code in fierpy/
def reof(stack: xr.DataArray, variance_threshold: float = 0.727, n_modes: int = 4) -> xr.Dataset:
"""Function to perform rotated empirical othogonal function (eof) on a spatial timeseries
stack (xr.DataArray): DataArray of spatial temporal values with coord order of (t,y,x)
variance_threshold(float, optional): optional fall back value to select number of eof
modes to use. Only used if n_modes is less than 1. default = 0.727
n_modes (int, optional): number of eof modes to use. default = 4
xr.Dataset: rotated eof dataset with spatial modes, temporal modes, and mean values
as variables
# extract out some dimension shape information
shape3d = stack.shape
spatial_shape = shape3d[1:]
shape2d = (shape3d[0],
# flatten the data from [t,y,x] to [t,...]
da_flat = xr.DataArray(
coords = [stack.time,np.arange(shape2d[1])],
## find the temporal mean for each pixel
center = da_flat.mean(dim='time')
centered = da_flat - center
# get an eof solver object
# explicitly set center to false since data is already
#solver = Eof(centered,center=False)
solver = Eof(centered,center=False)
# check if the n_modes keyword is set to a realistic value
# if not get n_modes based on variance explained
if n_modes < 0:
n_modes = int((solver.varianceFraction().cumsum() < variance_threshold).sum())
# calculate to spatial eof values
eof_components = solver.eofs(neofs=n_modes).transpose()
# get the indices where the eof is valid data
non_masked_idx = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(eof_components[:,0])))[0]
# create a "blank" array to set roated values to
rotated = eof_components.values.copy()
# # waiting for release of sklean version >= 0.24
# # until then have a placeholder function to do the rotation
# fa = FactorAnalysis(n_components=n_modes, rotation="varimax")
# rotated[non_masked_idx,:] = fa.fit_transform(eof_components[non_masked_idx,:])
# apply varimax rotation to eof components
# placeholder function until sklearn version >= 0.24
rotated[non_masked_idx,:] = _ortho_rotation(eof_components[non_masked_idx,:])
# project the original time series data on the rotated eofs
projected_pcs =[:,non_masked_idx], rotated[non_masked_idx,:])
# reshape the rotated eofs to a 3d array of [y,x,c]
spatial_rotated = rotated.reshape(spatial_shape+(n_modes,))
# structure the spatial and temporal reof components in a Dataset
reof_ds = xr.Dataset(
"spatial_modes": (["lat","lon","mode"],spatial_rotated),
"center": (["lat","lon"],center.values.reshape(spatial_shape))
coords = {
"mode": np.arange(n_modes)+1
return reof_ds
sel_best_fit(fit_dict, metric='r', ranking='max')
Function to extract out the best fit based on user defined metric and ranking
Name | Type | Description | Default |
fit_dict |
dict |
output from function |
required |
metric |
str |
statitical metric to rank, options are 'r', 'r2' or 'rmse'. default = 'r' |
'r' |
ranking |
str |
type of ranking to perform, options are 'min' or 'max'. default = max |
'max' |
Type | Description |
tuple |
tuple: tuple of values containg the coefficient key, mode, and coefficients of best fit |
Source code in fierpy/
def sel_best_fit(fit_dict: dict, metric: str = "r",ranking: str = "max") -> tuple:
"""Function to extract out the best fit based on user defined metric and ranking
fit_dict (dict): output from function `find_fits()`
metric (str, optional): statitical metric to rank, options are 'r', 'r2' or 'rmse'. default = 'r'
ranking (str, optional): type of ranking to perform, options are 'min' or 'max'. default = max
tuple: tuple of values containg the coefficient key, mode, and coefficients of best fit
def max_ranking(old,new):
key,ranker = old
k,v = new
if v > ranker:
key = k
ranker = v
return (key,ranker)
def min_ranking(old,new):
key,ranker = old
k,v = new
if v < ranker:
key = k
ranker = v
return (key,ranker)
if metric not in ["r","r2","rmse"]:
raise ValueError("could not determine metric to rank, options are 'r', 'r2' or 'rmse'")
if ranking == "max":
ranker = -1
ranking_f = max_ranking
elif rankin == "min":
ranker = 999
ranking_f = min_ranking
raise ValueError("could not determine ranking, options are 'min' or 'max'")
ranked = ("",ranker)
for k,v in fit_dict.items():
if k.endswith(metric):
ranked = ranking_f(ranked,(k,v))
key_split = ranked[0].split("_")
ranked_key = "_".join(key_split[:-2] + ["coeffs"])
coeffs = fit_dict[ranked_key]
mode = int(key_split[0].replace("mode",""))
return (ranked_key,mode,coeffs)
synthesize(reof_ds, q_df, polynomial, mode=1)
Function to synthesize data from reof data and regression coefficients. This will also format the result as a geospatially aware xr.DataArray
Name | Type | Description | Default |
reof_ds |
xarray.core.dataset.Dataset |
required | |
q_df |
DataArray |
required | |
polynomial |
poly1d |
required | |
mode |
int |
1 |
Type | Description |
DataArray |
xr.DataArray: resulting synthesized data based on reof temporal regression and spatial modes |
Source code in fierpy/
def synthesize(reof_ds: xr.Dataset, q_df: xr.DataArray, polynomial: np.poly1d, mode: int = 1) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Function to synthesize data from reof data and regression coefficients.
This will also format the result as a geospatially aware xr.DataArray
reof_ds (xr.Dataset):
q_df (xr.DataArray):
polynomial (np.poly1d):
mode (int, optional):
xr.DataArray: resulting synthesized data based on reof temporal regression
and spatial modes
y_vals = xr.apply_ufunc(polynomial,q_df)
synth = y_vals * reof_ds.spatial_modes.sel(mode=mode) +
# drop the unneeded mode dimension
# force sorting by time in case the array is not already
synth = synth.astype(np.float32).drop("mode").sortby("time")
return synth
synthesize_indep(reof_ds, q_df, model_mode_order, model_path='.\\model_path\\')
Function to synthesize data at time of interest and output as DataArray
Source code in fierpy/
def synthesize_indep(reof_ds: xr.Dataset, q_df: xr.DataArray, model_mode_order, model_path='.\\model_path\\'):
"""Function to synthesize data at time of interest and output as DataArray
for num_mode in mode_list:
#for order in range(1,4):
f = np.poly1d(np.load(model_path+'\poly'+'{num:0>2}'.format(num=str(num_mode))+'_deg'+'{num:0>2}'.format(num=model_mode_order[str(num_mode)])+'.npy'))
y_vals = xr.apply_ufunc(f, q_df)
synth = y_vals * reof_ds.spatial_modes.sel(mode=int(num_mode)) # +
synth = synth.astype(np.float32).drop("mode").sortby("time")
return synth