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fier module


find_fits(reof_ds, q_df, stack, train_size=0.7, random_state=0)

Function to fit multiple polynomial curves on different temporal modes and test results

Source code in fierpy/
def find_fits(reof_ds: xr.Dataset, q_df: xr.DataArray, stack: xr.DataArray, train_size: float = 0.7, random_state: int = 0, ):
    """Function to fit multiple polynomial curves on different temporal modes and test results


    X = q_df
    y = reof_ds.temporal_modes

    # ---- Randomly split data into 2 groups -----
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=train_size, random_state=random_state)


    spatial_test = stack.where(stack.time.isin(y_test.time),drop=True)

    shape3d = spatial_test.shape
    spatial_shape = shape3d[1:]
    shape2d = (shape3d[0],

    spatial_test_flat = xr.DataArray(
        coords = [spatial_test.time,np.arange(shape2d[1])],

    non_masked_idx= np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(spatial_test_flat[0,:])))[0]

    modes = reof_ds.mode.values

    fit_dict = dict()
    dict_keys = ['fit_r2','pred_r','pred_rmse']

    for mode in modes:

        y_train_mode = y_train.sel(mode=mode)
        y_test_mode = y_test.sel(mode=mode)

        for order in range(1,4):

            # apply polynomial fitting
            c = np.polyfit(X_train,y_train_mode,deg=order)
            f = np.poly1d(c)

            y_pred = f(X_test)

            synth_test = synthesize(reof_ds,X_test,f,mode=mode)                      

            synth_test_flat = xr.DataArray(
                coords = [synth_test.time,np.arange(shape2d[1])],

            # calculate statistics
            # calculate the stats of fitting on a test subsample
            temporal_r2 = metrics.r2_score(y_test_mode, y_pred)

            temporal_r = -999 if temporal_r2 < 0 else np.sqrt(temporal_r2)

            # check the synthesis stats comapared to observed data
            space_r2 = metrics.r2_score(
            space_r= -999 if space_r2 < 0 else np.sqrt(space_r2)

            space_rmse = metrics.mean_squared_error(

            # pack the resulting statistics in dictionary for the loop
            #stats = [temporal_r2,space_r,space_rmse]
            stats = [temporal_r2, temporal_r, space_rmse]
            loop_dict = {f"mode{mode}_order{order}_{k}":stats[i] for i,k in enumerate(dict_keys)}
            loop_dict[f"mode{mode}_order{order}_coeffs"] = c
            # merge the loop dictionary with the larger one
            fit_dict = {**fit_dict,**loop_dict}

    return fit_dict

fits_to_files(fit_dict, out_dir)

Procedure to save coeffient arrays stored in dictionary output from find_fits() to npy files


Name Type Description Default
fit_dict dict

output from function find_fits()

out_dir str

directory to save coeffients to

Source code in fierpy/
def fits_to_files(fit_dict: dict,out_dir: str):
    """Procedure to save coeffient arrays stored in dictionary output from `find_fits()` to npy files

        fit_dict (dict): output from function `find_fits()`
        out_dir (str): directory to save coeffients to

    out_dir = Path(out_dir)

    if not out_dir.exists():

    for k,v in fit_dict.items():
        if k.endswith("coeffs"):
            components = k.split("_")
            name_stem = f"poly_{k.replace('_coeffs','')}"
            coeff_file = out_dir / f"{name_stem}.npy"
  , v)


get_streamflow(lat, lon)

Function to get histroical streamflow data from the GeoGLOWS server based on geographic coordinates


Name Type Description Default
lat float

latitude value where to get streamflow data

lon float

longitude value where to get streamflow data



Type Description

xr.DataArray: DataArray object of streamflow with datetime coordinates

Source code in fierpy/
def get_streamflow(lat: float, lon: float) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Function to get histroical streamflow data from the GeoGLOWS server
    based on geographic coordinates

        lat (float): latitude value where to get streamflow data
        lon (float): longitude value where to get streamflow data

        xr.DataArray: DataArray object of streamflow with datetime coordinates
    # ??? pass lat lon or do it by basin ???
    reach = streamflow.latlon_to_reach(lat,lon)
    # send request for the streamflow data
    q = streamflow.historic_simulation(reach['reach_id'])

    # rename column name to something not as verbose as 'streamflow_m^3/s'
    q.columns = ["discharge"]

    # rename index and drop the timezone value = "time"
    q.index = q.index.tz_localize(None)

    # return the series as a xr.DataArray
    return q.discharge.to_xarray()

match_dates(original, matching)

Helper function to filter a DataArray from that match the data values of another. Expects that each xarray object has a dimesion named 'time'


Name Type Description Default
original DataArray

original DataArray with time dimension to select from

matching DataArray

DataArray with time dimension to compare against



Type Description

xr.DataArray: DataArray with values that have been temporally matched

Source code in fierpy/
def match_dates(original: xr.DataArray, matching: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Helper function to filter a DataArray from that match the data values of another.
    Expects that each xarray object has a dimesion named 'time'

        original (xr.DataArray): original DataArray with time dimension to select from
        matching (xr.DataArray): DataArray with time dimension to compare against

        xr.DataArray: DataArray with values that have been temporally matched

    # return the DataArray with only rows that match dates
    return original.where(original.time.isin(matching.time),drop=True)

reof(stack, variance_threshold=0.727, n_modes=4)

Function to perform rotated empirical othogonal function (eof) on a spatial timeseries


Name Type Description Default
stack DataArray

DataArray of spatial temporal values with coord order of (t,y,x)

variance_threshold(float, optional

optional fall back value to select number of eof modes to use. Only used if n_modes is less than 1. default = 0.727

n_modes int

number of eof modes to use. default = 4



Type Description

xr.Dataset: rotated eof dataset with spatial modes, temporal modes, and mean values as variables

Source code in fierpy/
def reof(stack: xr.DataArray, variance_threshold: float = 0.727, n_modes: int = 4) -> xr.Dataset:
    """Function to perform rotated empirical othogonal function (eof) on a spatial timeseries

        stack (xr.DataArray): DataArray of spatial temporal values with coord order of (t,y,x)
        variance_threshold(float, optional): optional fall back value to select number of eof
            modes to use. Only used if n_modes is less than 1. default = 0.727
        n_modes (int, optional): number of eof modes to use. default = 4

        xr.Dataset: rotated eof dataset with spatial modes, temporal modes, and mean values
            as variables

    # extract out some dimension shape information
    shape3d = stack.shape
    spatial_shape = shape3d[1:]
    shape2d = (shape3d[0],

    # flatten the data from [t,y,x] to [t,...]
    da_flat = xr.DataArray(
        coords = [stack.time,np.arange(shape2d[1])],

    ## find the temporal mean for each pixel
    center = da_flat.mean(dim='time')

    centered = da_flat - center

    # get an eof solver object
    # explicitly set center to false since data is already
    #solver = Eof(centered,center=False)
    solver = Eof(centered,center=False)

    # check if the n_modes keyword is set to a realistic value
    # if not get n_modes based on variance explained
    if n_modes < 0:
        n_modes = int((solver.varianceFraction().cumsum() < variance_threshold).sum())

    # calculate to spatial eof values
    eof_components = solver.eofs(neofs=n_modes).transpose()
    # get the indices where the eof is valid data
    non_masked_idx = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(eof_components[:,0])))[0]

    # create a "blank" array to set roated values to
    rotated = eof_components.values.copy()

    # # waiting for release of sklean version >= 0.24
    # # until then have a placeholder function to do the rotation
    # fa = FactorAnalysis(n_components=n_modes, rotation="varimax")
    # rotated[non_masked_idx,:] = fa.fit_transform(eof_components[non_masked_idx,:])

    # apply varimax rotation to eof components
    # placeholder function until sklearn version >= 0.24
    rotated[non_masked_idx,:] = _ortho_rotation(eof_components[non_masked_idx,:])

    # project the original time series data on the rotated eofs
    projected_pcs =[:,non_masked_idx], rotated[non_masked_idx,:])

    # reshape the rotated eofs to a 3d array of [y,x,c]
    spatial_rotated = rotated.reshape(spatial_shape+(n_modes,))

    # structure the spatial and temporal reof components in a Dataset
    reof_ds = xr.Dataset(
            "spatial_modes": (["lat","lon","mode"],spatial_rotated),
            "center": (["lat","lon"],center.values.reshape(spatial_shape))
        coords = {
            "mode": np.arange(n_modes)+1

    return reof_ds

sel_best_fit(fit_dict, metric='r', ranking='max')

Function to extract out the best fit based on user defined metric and ranking


Name Type Description Default
fit_dict dict

output from function find_fits()

metric str

statitical metric to rank, options are 'r', 'r2' or 'rmse'. default = 'r'

ranking str

type of ranking to perform, options are 'min' or 'max'. default = max



Type Description

tuple: tuple of values containg the coefficient key, mode, and coefficients of best fit

Source code in fierpy/
def sel_best_fit(fit_dict: dict, metric: str = "r",ranking: str = "max") -> tuple:
    """Function to extract out the best fit based on user defined metric and ranking

        fit_dict (dict): output from function `find_fits()`
        metric (str, optional): statitical metric to rank, options are 'r', 'r2' or 'rmse'. default = 'r'
        ranking (str, optional): type of ranking to perform, options are 'min' or 'max'. default = max

        tuple: tuple of values containg the coefficient key, mode, and coefficients of best fit
    def max_ranking(old,new):
        key,ranker = old
        k,v = new
        if v > ranker:
            key = k
            ranker = v
        return (key,ranker)

    def min_ranking(old,new):
        key,ranker = old
        k,v = new
        if v < ranker:
            key = k
            ranker = v
        return (key,ranker)

    if metric not in ["r","r2","rmse"]:
        raise ValueError("could not determine metric to rank, options are 'r', 'r2' or 'rmse'")

    if ranking == "max":
        ranker = -1
        ranking_f = max_ranking
    elif rankin == "min":
        ranker = 999
        ranking_f = min_ranking
        raise ValueError("could not determine ranking, options are 'min' or 'max'")

    ranked = ("",ranker)

    for k,v in fit_dict.items():
        if k.endswith(metric):
            ranked = ranking_f(ranked,(k,v))

    key_split = ranked[0].split("_")
    ranked_key = "_".join(key_split[:-2] + ["coeffs"])
    coeffs = fit_dict[ranked_key]
    mode = int(key_split[0].replace("mode",""))

    return (ranked_key,mode,coeffs)

synthesize(reof_ds, q_df, polynomial, mode=1)

Function to synthesize data from reof data and regression coefficients. This will also format the result as a geospatially aware xr.DataArray


Name Type Description Default
reof_ds xarray.core.dataset.Dataset required
q_df DataArray required
polynomial poly1d required
mode int 1


Type Description

xr.DataArray: resulting synthesized data based on reof temporal regression and spatial modes

Source code in fierpy/
def synthesize(reof_ds: xr.Dataset, q_df: xr.DataArray, polynomial: np.poly1d, mode: int = 1) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Function to synthesize data from reof data and regression coefficients.
    This will also format the result as a geospatially aware xr.DataArray

        reof_ds (xr.Dataset):
        q_df (xr.DataArray):
        polynomial (np.poly1d):
        mode (int, optional):

        xr.DataArray: resulting synthesized data based on reof temporal regression
            and spatial modes

    y_vals = xr.apply_ufunc(polynomial,q_df)


    synth = y_vals * reof_ds.spatial_modes.sel(mode=mode) +

    # drop the unneeded mode dimension
    # force sorting by time in case the array is not already
    synth = synth.astype(np.float32).drop("mode").sortby("time")

    return synth

synthesize_indep(reof_ds, q_df, model_mode_order, model_path='.\\model_path\\')

Function to synthesize data at time of interest and output as DataArray

Source code in fierpy/
def synthesize_indep(reof_ds: xr.Dataset, q_df: xr.DataArray, model_mode_order, model_path='.\\model_path\\'):
    """Function to synthesize data at time of interest and output as DataArray

    for num_mode in mode_list:
        #for order in range(1,4):

        f = np.poly1d(np.load(model_path+'\poly'+'{num:0>2}'.format(num=str(num_mode))+'_deg'+'{num:0>2}'.format(num=model_mode_order[str(num_mode)])+'.npy'))

        y_vals = xr.apply_ufunc(f, q_df)

        synth = y_vals * reof_ds.spatial_modes.sel(mode=int(num_mode)) # +

        synth = synth.astype(np.float32).drop("mode").sortby("time")

        return synth